Subject description

This course invites students to explore gendered analysis and feminist approaches to international relations so as to become more aware of the gendered dimensions of any international issue. The course is structured into three parts: The first part explores the conversation between feminism and IR theories. It also analyzes the … For more content click the Read More button below. Building upon the theoretical framework developed in part one, the second part introduces gender-aware perspectives of key dimensions in international relations, namely, diplomacy, politics, war, peace, security, and globalization. Finally, the last part engages more particularly with feminism and gender in the context of the Middle East and North Africa. The legacies related to colonialism, the Arab Spring and the veil are discussed from a feminist angle.


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Teaching staff

Subject coordinators

Assessment details

Critical Review
Outline (in preparation of the final essay)

Textbook information

No prescribed textbooks for this subject.

Contact details

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